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2025년 3월 8일 국내 및 세계 주요 이슈 Top 5

by viediane 2025. 3. 9.

국내 이슈 TOP 5

  1. 윤석열 대통령 석방
    • 윤석열 대통령이 법원의 구속 취소 결정으로 석방되었습니다. 그는 반란 혐의로 기소된 상황에서 52일 만에 서울구치소를 나왔으며, 이후 탄핵 심판과 관련한 대응을 준비 중입니다.
  2. 더불어민주당의 검찰총장 사퇴 요구
    • 더불어민주당은 윤석열 대통령의 석방에 대해 심우정 검찰총장의 책임을 물으며 즉각 사퇴를 요구했습니다. 사퇴 거부 시 탄핵소추 등 강경 대응을 예고했습니다.
  3. 홈플러스 법정관리 신청 논란
    • 홈플러스 대주주 MBK파트너스가 기업회생 절차(법정관리)를 신청하면서 납품업체들의 불안이 커지고 있습니다. 긴 납품 대금 정산 주기가 문제로 지적되며, 관련 논란이 확산되고 있습니다.
  4. 국내투자형 ISA 정책 변화
    • 정부가 국내 자산 투자를 촉진하기 위해 개인종합자산관리계좌(ISA)의 국내 주식 의무 투자 비율을 높이고, 원화 표시 외화 채권(김치본드) 매입 제한 규제를 해제하기로 했습니다.
  5. 제주항공 참사 조사 착수
    • 무안국제공항에서 발생한 제주항공 여객기 추락 사고(179명 사망)에 대한 한국 정부와 국제기관의 합동 조사가 본격적으로 시작되었습니다.

해외 이슈 TOP5

  1. 트럼프 대통령의 관세 정책 혼선
    • 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 캐나다와 멕시코에 대한 고율 관세 부과를 번복하며 경제적 불확실성을 키우고 있습니다. 이는 협상 전략으로 풀이되지만, 미국 산업계와 소비자들에게 타격을 주고 있다는 비판도 제기됩니다.
  2. 화웨이의 제재 우회 논란
    • 중국 화웨이가 페이퍼컴퍼니를 통해 미국 제재를 우회하며 타이완 TSMC로부터 AI 반도체 200만 개를 확보한 것으로 드러났습니다. 이는 미국의 수출 통제 위반 사례로 지적되고 있습니다.
  3. 세계 여성의 날 시위
    • 세계 여성의 날을 맞아 아르헨티나, 나이지리아 등 여러 나라에서 성폭력과 성차별 철폐를 요구하는 대규모 시위가 열렸습니다. 특히 아르헨티나에서는 정부 정책에 대한 반발도 겹쳐 강한 목소리가 나왔습니다.
  4. 미국-캐나다 목재·낙농제품 관세 논란
    • 트럼프 행정부가 캐나다 목재와 낙농제품에 관세를 부과하겠다고 발표하면서 양국 간 무역 갈등이 심화되고 있습니다.
  5. 뉴욕 롱아일랜드 산불 비상사태
    • 뉴욕 롱아일랜드에서 발생한 대형 산불로 비상사태가 선포되었으며, 주민 대피와 화재 진압 작업이 진행 중입니다.

Domestic Issues TOP5

  1. President Yoon Suk-yeol Released from Detention
    • President Yoon Suk-yeol was released after the court canceled his detention order. He had been charged with rebellion and was freed after 52 days in Seoul Detention Center. He is now preparing for his defense in the ongoing impeachment trial.
  2. Democratic Party Demands Prosecutor General’s Resignation
    • The Democratic Party of Korea demanded Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung resign following President Yoon’s release, citing his responsibility for the case. They warned of strong measures, including impeachment proceedings, if he refuses to step down.
  3. Homeplus Bankruptcy Filing Sparks Controversy
    •MBK Partners, the major shareholder of Homeplus, filed for corporate rehabilitation (bankruptcy protection), causing concerns among suppliers. Delayed payment cycles have been highlighted as a major issue, fueling public criticism.
  4. Changes to Domestic Investment ISA Policy
    •The South Korean government announced changes to Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) policies to boost domestic investments. These include increasing mandatory domestic stock investment ratios and lifting restrictions on purchasing Korean won-denominated foreign bonds (Kimchi Bonds).
  5. Jeju Air Crash Investigation Begins
    •A joint investigation by the South Korean government and international agencies has officially commenced into the Jeju Air crash at Muan International Airport, which resulted in 179 fatalities.



International Issues TOP5

  1. Trump’s Tariff Policy Confusion
    •U.S. President Donald Trump reversed his decision to impose high tariffs on Canada and Mexico, creating economic uncertainty. While seen as part of his negotiation strategy, critics argue it harms American industries and consumers.
  2. Huawei’s Sanctions Evasion Allegations
    •Chinese tech giant Huawei allegedly used shell companies to bypass U.S. sanctions and procure 2 million AI chips from Taiwan’s TSMC. This incident has raised concerns over violations of U.S. export controls.
  3. International Women’s Day Protests
    • Large-scale protests demanding an end to sexual violence and gender inequality took place worldwide on International Women’s Day, including in Argentina and Nigeria. In Argentina, public outrage also targeted government austerity measures.
  4. U.S.-Canada Lumber and Dairy Tariff Dispute
    •The Trump administration announced plans to impose tariffs on Canadian lumber and dairy products, escalating trade tensions between the two nations.
  5. Long Island Wildfire Emergency Declared
    •A massive wildfire broke out in Long Island, New York, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency. Evacuation efforts are underway as firefighters work to contain the blaze.